• (adopted September 7, 2011) “As a gathered church of believers in Jesus Christ in Fairdale, Kentucky, we covenant together in the bonds of love to walk as the family of God in the following ways. 1.   We will seek to follow after God privately and individually through trusting him, obeying him, praying to him, and learning…

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  • The other day I was struck by these two verses. Galatians 1:10 ‘For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:33 “just as I try to…

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  • As a 31 year old pastor, I have many people who approach me about pursuing marriage. Actually way more than I was prepared to deal with. I am thankful for all the God-ordained opportunities though. Also, as our church’s former youth pastor, I have lots of young people that I mentored in the past who…

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  • My wife, Valeria, has been reading the book The Best of J.C. Ryle and it blessed me so much when she shared this chapter with me. Valeria has enjoyed reading Ryle since she first heard of him while in college. In chapter 6 entitled “Bible Reading,” Ryle writes: “Give me your attention while I supply…

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  • I saw this quote the other day and it has not left me. “if your presence makes no difference, your absence won’t either.” What a thought! May there be more and more people who are wanting to make a difference. Romans 12:10-11 “Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be…

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  • First FCA of the year for Fairdale High School. Scott Long sp… on Twitpic. This past Thursday was the first FCA meeting of the school year for Fairdale High School. FCA meets Thursday afternoons at 2:30 in the Fine Arts room. The Huddle Leader is weight training teacher Mr. Loren Renfroe, and he is doing…

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