Fairdale Pastor’s Blog:

No Servant is Greater than his Master

  • 4 Characteristics of the Good Shepherd

    One of my most favorite passages in the entire Bible is John 10. Of the seven “I Am” statements in John’s Gospel, the “I am the good shepherd” statement is the most meaningful to me. Yesterday I preached this passage at FBC Fairdale, and you can watch/listen to the whole sermon here. Jesus declares “I…

  • Happy Birthday, Dad!

    Today is my dad’s 73rd birthday. He was born on September 9th, 1951. While I wish I could be with him today, I wanted to re-post some of the things I have written about him in the past. What an honor it is to be his son! I hope you will please take the time…

  • He is a Shield

    Over these summer weeks, I have been spending some time thinking about God being a shield. After initial reflection, it really is remarkable to think that God can be shielding you. A shield is a defensive weapon. It is a piece of the soldier’s armor. It is used to block/guard/protect anything that is coming at…

  • A Peaceful Proactive Summer

    A Peaceful Proactive Summer Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial kickoff to summer. After we got through with the scary storms, we now have some beautiful weather. This is ideal weather to enjoy the beginning of Summer. There are various ways to approach the hot and sunny summer months of June and July. Some people…

  • I Love a Good Pep Talk

    I love a good pep talk. I’m always up for a confidence-building, head-lifting, mood-shifting, perspective-changing motivational speech.  Who doesn’t like an emotional and passionate Inspiring message! I particularly like it when it is fiery. Several come to mind right now from sports history or from classic movies! Michael Jordan’s halftime message in Space Jam. Tim Tebow’s…

  • 13 Characteristics of Jesus from the Prologue of John

    We just began a new study over the whole Gospel of John. And so naturally, we are in the prologue. These first 18 verses of John’s Gospel are known as some of the richest parts of the Scriptures. It has been said that while John’s prologue uses the most basic vocabulary of the New Testament,…

  • 3 Reasons Why You COULD Send Your Kids to Public School

    For many parents, the decision on where to send your kids to school is one of the biggest and heaviest choices in all of the parenting years. We have been consistent in encouraging parents to seek the Lord and do what they think is best for their child and their home. To be clear, this…

  • Parenting – Training/Discipline

    Night 2 of our Parenting series at church was focused on Discipline and Training. You can check out the entire message here. We looked at two passages from God’s Word – Proverbs 3:11-12 and Hebrews 12:3-11. Here is the outline from that message: Hebrews 12:11 says “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than…

  • Parenting – Time

    Night 1 of our Parenting series at church was focused on Time. You can check out the entire message here. Here is the outline from that message: Ephesians 5:15-16 says “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time …” It is our desire to…

  • Thinking About Parenting

    I am impressed at how much the Bible speaks toward parenting. We don’t hear enough about it. Why is that? Perhaps it is because parenting is such a loaded subject for Christians. Not only is parenting challenging, it is also complicated. And not only is parenting challenging and complicated, it is also sensitive. For these…