Jeremy Lin is a committed follower of Jesus. This video is him talking about it. Notice that this is him sharing his testimony well before all of his recent fame came. http://youtu.be/p6bmaynTY_E http://youtu.be/zxcWrgcH118
I was doing some reading today on J.C. Ryle writing on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. I was struck by this paragraph. “Now, if these words mean anything, a Christian ought to be ready to show kindness and brotherly love to every one that is in need. Our kindness must not merely extend to…
Paul is arguably the greatest missionary/evangelist/church-planter ever! He is the main one in the New Testament. And when it came time to pass the torch/ pour into the next guy/ mentor/ and leave the work in someone else’s hands He chose Timothy. First and Second Timothy are two personal letters that Paul wrote to younger…
Last week I was meeting and visiting with a family at the funeral home, and I had a true blessing happen to me. I was in the middle of a long, full week. I was busy and tired. I wasn’t lacking focus. I was just dialed in and moving swiftly from one responsibility to the…
I took this photo last summer while we were serving in the jungle of Ecuador. I don’t know anything about this young guy. I don’t know his name or his age. All I know is where I was when I took this picture. We were standing right on the bank of the Napo river at…