Once we get to our funerals, there are several things that are too late. Several things that are lost. We cannot go back and make any changes. Life is short. Life is precious. Life is heavy. And we must be ready. Being ready means that we take time to consider the brevity, beauty and weight…
I remember being a teenager when I began to see people wearing t-shirts that said ‘Ain’t Skeered.’ Then shortly after that I remember seeing guys put that same phrase on their vehicles’ rear windows. I always thought that was a little odd. In my mind, boldly asserting not being scared is not necessary if you aren’t…
“Few things show the corruption of human nature more clearly, than man’s inability to understand zeal in religion. Zeal about money, or science, or war, or commerce, or business, is intelligible to the world. But zeal about religion is too often reckoned foolishness, fanaticism, and the sign of a weak mind. If a man injures…
I continue to be amazed at how bad we are at determining what will make us happy. It seems that people are moving through life looking for happiness, making choices that they think will make them happy, only to find them further and further away from being happy. It is really quite sad and disheartening!…
Have you ever forgotten something of importance? Have you ever missed an appointment? Or forgotten to do a much needed task? Have you ever been oblivious to something you have neglected only to find yourself later saying , “I completely forgot about that.” There are some things in life that we continually need to be…
Being a dad is my favorite thing in the world! I have been trying to state clearly how much I love being the father to my children, and I truly cannot find the words to express how much I love having my kids in my life. With that said, parenting is so hard. Loving them…