Category: Uncategorized

  • It takes Courage!

    The older I get there is one thing that I am more and more certain of – Life is hard!

    I experience hardship in my own life, and I observe it in people’s lives every day.

    Facing hardship takes courage. Courage is defined as – the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty or hardship.

    Life is hard. Life takes courage.

    Where does Courage come from? Courage comes in many ways. To keep it simple, Courage comes from Encouragement. Encourage means – to inspire courage.

    It seems that we have minimized encouragement to mean something that makes me feel good. Encouragement is much deeper than that. Encouragement creates, produces and gives Courage to the one receiving it.

    The life that honors God and follows the Lord Jesus will certainly have to deal with adversity and hardship. May the faithful have courage! May there be lots of encouragement that inspires courage in believers! It takes courage!

    Acts 23:11 “Take Courage”

  • Our Fathers Have Told Us

    I never got to watch Johnny Bench, Pete Rose, Joe Morgan and the Cincinnati Reds lead the Big Red Machine as they dominated the MLB in the 1970s.

    I never got to watch David Thompson and Julius Erving as they brought high-flying dunks to basketball.

    I don’t have any memories of watching or following any of those legendary sports figures. But I do know all about them. My dad has told me about them many times.

    My dad can go on and on about those Reds teams. They were tough and competitive. They loved to play the game. They played to win. I like how excited he gets just telling me about them. Johnny Bench is the best catcher ever! “Charlie Hustle” is such a fitting nickname for the ultimate competitor, Pete Rose. I learned all that from my dad.

    He doesn’t want to argue about it, but he swears to me that David Thompson and Dr. J were impressive dunkers before Jordan and LeBron. My dad told told me about them.

    The more and more I read the Bible, the more I am noticing how often the Bible speaks to the fathers telling the next generations. It is all over the Bible. Take for example Psalm 44:1,

    O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us, what deeds you performed in their days

    It motivates me to not just teach my kids about old-time sports heroes. I also want them to know God. I want to tell them all that I can about God. I want them to know all that He has done. I want them to know all that He has done for me.

    Life is about God. In all that I am teaching them, may I make certain that they know that truth.

    We have so much fun looking at Youtube videos of Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders. May we also grow up loving Jesus because of all that we have heard and learned about Him.

    I am thankful for all that my father has taught me. May our children and grandchildren be able to say the same!

  • stop making these 5 excuses

    When God called Moses to go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let God’s people go, Moses didn’t initially obey. He made excuses. We know that excuses are not good. Perhaps this reminder to stop making excuses will motivate you to do what you need to be doing.

    Here are 5 excuses that Moses made (Exodus 3-4):

    1. Who am I?
      (3:11) Moses doubted himself. Moses was focused more on himself than on the God who called Him. If God is leading you to do something, stop looking at your abilities. Start looking at the God who called you to do it.
    2. Who are you?
      (3:13) Moses knew that if he went and did it that the Egyptians would ask ‘who sent you?’ And so he asked God what his name was. Moses should have known that it was God. And Moses should have been able to tell them that it was God. If you don’t know God, then you certainly will struggle to know yourself. We will undoubtedly be asking ‘Who am I?’ if we are also asking ‘Who are you, God?’ Also, if you don’t know God, then you can’t possibly know what God wants for your life!
    3. It won’t work!
      (4:1) Moses starts telling God that His plan won’t work. This is an unfortunate turn in the story. Moses thinks he knows better than God. It reminds me of so many Christians today who “think they know” what works! God is the one who works. And how God chooses to work is totally up to him. I suggest we never tell God what will or won’t work. God knows best. If God is leading you to do something, then do it. Don’t say that it won’t work.
    4. I’m not good at it!
      (4:10) Moses is now running out of excuses, and so he starts to look at his weaknesses. He points out to God that he isn’t good at speaking. Let me remind you God knows that. God knows everything. In the very next verse, 4:11, God reminds Moses that it was God who made Moses’ mouth that way. If you are caught up in your inabilities, stop using them as an excuse. God can and does use weak people. There is a popular saying that goes “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” He doesn’t need us to be good at something. When we are willing, He will use us whether we are good at it or not. Stop making the excuse that you aren’t good at it!
    5. I don’t want to!
      (4:13) Moses is now officially out of excuses, and so he just finally states the reality = he doesn’t want to do it. This gets to the heart of the issue. Often times, excuses are just a way that we avoid admitting our lack of desire. Not desiring to do what God wants us to do is a bad spot to be in. We need to be warned of that. We need hearts that desire what God desires! Beyond that, Often times in life we have to do what we don’t want to do. May we stop making that excuse. May we want to do it!

    As the Exodus story unfolds, Moses ends up doing what God had called him to do. And his excuses were nothing but excuses. God had called him to do it. God empowered him to do it. God used him through it. To God be the glory.

    May we stop making excuses. And may God get the glory through our lives as well.

  • Day After Day

    It’s easy to do a good deed once. One-Hit-Wonders are pretty common. It is much harder to be consistent and steady.

    I recently re-read the book of Genesis in the Bible, and I was struck by the admirable character and consistency of Joseph.

    Of course, the story of Joseph is well-known. I love to read it. It is full of drama and fascinating turns. The part about Joseph and Potiphar’s wife is must-see-tv. And that episode peaks with Joseph’s convicting statement in reply to her request for sex when he declares to her “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Gen.39:9)

    What a scene! What a response! What a man! What conviction! What discipline! What Self-control!

    However, for as awesome as that story is, it is just once. Again, anyone can do a good deed once. Anyone can resist temptation once.

    What is much, much more impressive is the next verse, Genesis 39:10 “And as she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her, to lie beside her or to be with her.”

    Day after day! That is strong! That is impressive.

    Doing something great once is nice. But being faithful consistently is much harder. Much more impressive. Steady and Consistent is so admirable and honorable.

    Many people have resisted temptation once. May God’s grace lead us to consistently say No to temptation Day after day.


  • Questions Lead to Answers

    Nearly 30 years ago, I remember very clearly sitting in Mrs. Wilson’s 4th grade class when a classmate raised his hand to ask a question. The question he asked was one that most of the other kids already knew the answer to so when he asked that question several students in the room laughed out loud at him and his question.

    My admirable teacher, Mrs. Wilson, took that moment to stop and teach us all a valuable lesson. She said “Don’t laugh at a question. There is no such thing as a dumb question. For questions lead to answers. If you don’t know something, then ask. That is how you learn.” I have never forgotten that moment and lesson = questions lead to answers!

    In John chapter 3 we learn about a man named Nicodemus who comes to Jesus, rather secretly, seeking some answers. In this story, Nicodemus has lots of questions.

    • In 3:4 he asks Jesus “How can a man be born when he is old?”
    • In 3:4 he asks another question “Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
    • In 3:9 he asks Jesus “How can these things be?”

    In this fascinating passage, Nicodemus hits Jesus with 3 questions. Jesus is answering his questions but it seems Nicodemus is not understanding. Jesus continues answering and teaching, but the gospel transitions on and we do not hear much more about Nicodemus.

    In 7:50 there is another mention of Nicodemus, and ironically, he is asking a question there too. Then we don’t hear anymore about Nicodemus until the end of John.

    In John 19:39, the ending of John’s gospel,  we find Joseph of Arimathea taking the dead body of Jesus after the cross to give him a honorable burial. And with a striking surprise Nicodemus is the one who is there to assist Joseph take care of the body of Jesus in preparation for burial. Wow!

    The Pharisee of John chapter 3 who comes to Jesus with lots of questions looks like a disciple in John chapter 19 who now has some answers.

    His questions were about getting right with God and having eternal life. The answers to those questions are found in Jesus and his death on the cross.

    If we are looking for answers, lets be sure to ask questions. Questions Lead to Answers!

  • Finding comfort

    Coming out of the holidays is always tough for me. I feel tired, I feel emotional, I feel distracted. This year is especially tough because of the cold. I’m so cold, I don’t feel like doing anything.

    When I feel this way, I know the solution = I have to lean into God. I can’t allow myself to drift. I can’t allow myself to get wayward. I have to press on. I have to lean in. When I do, God will meet me there.

    One of my heavy thoughts during this post-holidays/emotional season is about all the hurting people I know. There are a lot of burdened and hurting people these days.

    So I was reminded of a phrase in 2 Corinthians 1. In verse 3, Paul describes God in this way “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.”

    That is just what I needed to hear. That is life to my soul. That is fuel to my faith.

    God is the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. If you need mercy, you can find it in God. If you need comfort, you can find it in God.

  • The Fairdale Fair: 5 Reasons Why I Love It!

    This weekend, September 7-9, is the Fairdale Fair for Fairdale, KY 40118.

    This year’s fair is the 87th Annual Community Fair! The theme this year is: HOME SWEET HOME! Fairdale is located in the South End of Louisville, KY, and while most of the city and state don’t even know about the Fairdale Fair for those of us who live here it is quite a big deal.

    I hear that there are some local residents who aren’t big fans of the Fairdale Fair, but in my experience over the last 14 years the large majority of Fairdale truly enjoys this special weekend!

    Here are 5 Reasons Why I Love the Fairdale Fair:

    1. PEOPLE – The Fairdale Fair brings so many people to Fairdale! I am not sure if they are Fairdale residents just coming out to take part or if some outsiders come to Fairdale for the fair – either way, this weekend Fairdale will be crowded! There will be more people in Fairdale this weekend than any other time of the year.
    2. PARTY – The Fairdale Fair is supposed to be a fair, but in actuality it is more like a party.  In truthfulness, the Fairdale Fair is a big celebration! It is all of Fairdale coming together to celebrate our small town. It’s like a big party! A city-wide party with everyone included is pretty cool!
    3. PASSION – The Fairdale Fair is a big demonstration of how much people love their town. Fairdale people love Fairdale! Fairdale people are passionate about their town. I know that throughout the year this passion may come and go, but during the Annual Fairdale Fair weekend everyone shows their passion and love for Fairdale!
    4. PURPOSE – Each year when I am at the Fair, I am reminded of why God brought me here. Fairdale is a great place with a lot of great people. I am happy to live and work here. I am happy to have a purpose in Fairdale.
    5. POTENTIAL – This full weekend always reminds me of the great potential there is in Fairdale. Many businesses, schools, churches, organizations, groups, etc will all come out to contribute to making the Fair great. In this unity and common effort, it is easy to see that their is great potential. It is true – there is strength in numbers! The Fairdale Fair is a picture of all the potential numbers and strength for our town.

    I am thankful the Fairdale Fair weekend is here. I look forward to the Parade at Noon on Saturday. And I look forward to taking my kids to ride the rides. Lord willing, it should be a fantastic weekend!

  • Swinging and Talking


    Just the other day, my youngest daughter and I bonded while I pushed her on the swing. The weather was ideal. It wasn’t hot. There weren’t any bugs bothering us. We just stayed in the backyard swinging for about an hour. I pushed her, and she was swinging.

    As I pushed her on the swing, she was smiling and laughing. As she was cutting-up, I was talking to her.

    This is how it went:

    -“Lili, it feels nice outside, doesn’t it?”

    -“Do you like swinging?”

    -“Lili, you know, I love you! I am so happy to be your daddy!”

    (To all of this, she is just laughing and not really saying anything)

    -“You know, God gave you to me. I don’t know why He let me be your daddy, but I am so glad He did. I love you so much!” “Your mom and I love you a lot!”

    -“Lili, you know what else? Jesus loves you too. He loves you a lot. He loves both of us. He loves our family. He forgives us of our sins. He will forgive us of all our sins.”

    -“And Lili, I want my love for you as your daddy to show you how much God loves you.”

    It was truly a special moment for the two of us. We were both so happy. We were both smiling and laughing a lot. We bonded that day in that moment!

    I told the full story at the close of my sermon on Sunday. You can listen to it here. (The whole sermon is 43 minutes. But you can here this story beginning at the 39:45 mark.)

  • 5 Simple Ways to Pray with Your Family

    Two of my biggest desires in life are to be a praying man and a family man.

    I want to pray more because I know that I am completely dependent upon God. I want to be a family man because I know that God has given me my wife and children. I want to lead my wife and kids to know the Lord!

    I enjoy praying with my children, and my children have grown to enjoy that I pray regularly with them. With that said, I sometimes fail at being a family man and praying man. I know that God is patient with me to give me endurance and encouragement to keep striving to be a faithful man. Over the years, I have found these 5 Simple Ways to Pray more often with my family:

    1. Before School
      I have the great opportunity to take my sons to school each morning. Each morning as we approach the school, we turn the radio off and I pray for them. I pray about all kinds of things: schoolwork, classmates, teachers, safety, athletics, projects, new students, friends, field trips, etc.  This routine has become such a key piece to our mornings together. Beginning your day by seeking the Lord is wise.
    2. Big Events
      As the kids grow, life gets more and more full. This season of life and parenting is so much fun. It seems we are always headed to some special event. We have been to spelling bees, speech meets, ball games, tryouts, tournaments, programs, dance recitals, services, etc. Before we hop out of the car, I like to stop my family or child and pray with them – Asking God to lead us and use us. Often times we are walking into the event, and I pray as we walk with my arm around their shoulder.
    3. Before Meals
      This is a common prayer time for many people, but I want to remind us that it is still meaningful. Praying before your meal should not be neglected. Whether at home or out at a restaurant, we pause to pray and thank God for the food. We pray for the food wherever we are – in a gas station, at a park for a picnic, in the school cafeteria, in the car for a drive-thru, etc. If God has provided the meal, we want to Thank Him.
    4. At Bedtime
      Life is busy and fast-paced, and there are many nights when the kids are getting into bed too late. Honestly, there are many nights where I carry them to bed because they have already fallen asleep. However, as often as I am able, I love to pray with them before they go to sleep. Nearly every night, I will talk to them and then turn out the lights. Then I pray with them. Before bedtime is also one of the best times to teach them to pray and to lead them in prayers of their own. Ending your day by seeking the Lord with Thankfulness is special.
    5. In the Car
      We pray in the car all the time! On the way to an event; beginning a road-trip; ending a road-trip; thanking God for food; passing a bad accident; etc. When life is busy, there are not many times when we are together with peace and quiet. In the car is an excellent time to settle down and re-group. The car rides together have become a joy to our family.
March 2025