The other day while sitting in on a local high school’s after school meeting of the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), I heard an awesome talk on the joy that comes from daily walking with God. The speaker was a young athlete and did a great job emphasizing the Holy Spirit dwelling in the believer. He confidently stated that the believer can find hope and strength by knowing that God is with them all the time.
After he was done, he took a few minutes to answer any questions. One question from a girl was “Do you ever put sports in front of God?” She then asked if it was OK to miss church due to a game or practice. That is a great question and concern coming from a teenage athlete and Christian.
In answering, the speaker said that church is not what is imporant… God is. He went on to say that as long as you stay close to God it doesn’t really matter if you go to church. (I don’t think he meant to send the message he sent. He is very active and involved at his church.)
However, Church is so incredibly important. Active faithful involvement with a local church is essential for the life and growth and faith of the child of God. The New Testament assures us of this.
Notice, Paul’s comment in 1 Corinthians 14:12 while speaking to eager believers “strive to excel in building up the church.”
What do you strive to excel in? Do you strive for excellence in anything? The New Testament teaches that the committed Christian is also committed to God’s church because the church is the bride of Christ. Therefore, if you call yourself a Christian, get started this week in working hard for the church.