In a conversation today at a fast-food restaurant, a 28 year old man told me that he doesn’t do church anymore. He went on to say that he still “believes in God, reads his Bible and prays.” He asked that I understand where hes coming from. I do.
I asked him why.
He then went on to tell me that when he was 13 (that would be 15 years ago) something happened at his church, and he has wanted nothing to do with church ever since.
For everyone reading this who is part of a church, please hear how serious it is that we “walk in a manner worthy of our calling.” Some people never go back to church 15 years later because of the sins we do. We must have others in mind before we make mistakes. The Bible speaks of the danger of being the reason that many people do not believe.
For everyone reading this who is the situation of that man I met today at the restaurant, Please re-consider your position on church. As a heart surgeon told me this weekend, not all churches are true churches. Please don’t allow one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. I have been to a few Taco Bells that were so trashy and run down that left me vowing to never return to that particular Taco Bell. But that very store could never keep me from eating and loving those steak grilled stuffed burritos.
You see, Church is important to us only because Jesus is important to us. We love the church because we love Jesus. If we take Jesus out of it, then the church has NO significance at all.
Therefore if you’re like this sincere man i met, could it be that this church making a huge mistake and sinning it an awful way only allowed you to have what you consider to be a good excuse for why you are not involved in a church. See, a bad Taco Bell is a shame but it will not cause me to stop eating at other Taco Bells because they are so good.
Well, so much more meaningful is life and death, heaven and hell, Jesus or no Jesus. Please do not throw Jesus out because of a bad church.
Finally, It is really hard to read the New Testament and picture a true Christian who is not a part of a church. Its just not there. If you follow Jesus, you are the church. So unite with one of His local churches and help us live in a way that represents Him well.
And do not live in such a way that people can say 15 years down the road- that is why I don’t go to church.