God is always working. Everywhere, all the time. God is always up to something. He is always working… even in the small things. Are you aware of that? Are you mindful of that? Are you asking Him to use you through it all?
This past Easter Sunday we had a large amount of visitors. At least, a lot more visitors on one day than we are used to having. That is a good thing. That is one of the specific things we have been praying for. That is one of the signs that we know God is working in and around FBCF.
Let me tell you this story that I hope will impact you.
One of the visitors Sunday was a single adult man who is in his mid 40s. He is a nice guy. He is very friendly and also was dressed nice. He came because a local teenager invited him. He said that he has lived in Louisville for 13 months and this kid was the first person to invite him to church since he has lived here. No friendly Christians in a year and a month. Nobody asking him to come to church in over a year. Thats a shame. What have all of us Christians been doing? Thats a shame to our church and every other church around here. We need to be inviting and hoping that all people would come to church with us.
While I preached, he listened so intently. He sat on the edge of his seat, Bible in hand, eyes focused on me. He seemed to be clinging to every word I spoke. (I now pray & understand Ecclesiastes 12:10 better) After the service, he made a point to come see me, shake my hand, thank me for allowing him to be a part of our easter morning service (wasn’t necessary, but kind).
The next day (monday) he told the teen that invited him that he would really like to talk with me and that the message from Sunday’s sermon is still ringing in his ears.
Who would have thought? A teenager invites a middle-aged man and God is all over it working and moving and changing lives.
Lets believe Jesus’ words from John 3 when speaking to Nicodemus (3:8) “the wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
God is working absolutely everywhere….. Get involved!