Category: Uncategorized

  • ecuador update – tuesday

    This is Roberto and I in Sunday School the first Sunday we were on our mission trip.

    Roberto is a hero of mine.

    He is Ecuadorian. He has an awesome godly wife. He speaks fluent English and Spanish. He translated for me twice when I preached. He and his wife serve the Lord so faithfully out in the far places of Ecuador.

    I had been scheduled to preach Sunday morning at a local church. I did and Roberto translated, and I think it went well. The interesting part was that on the way to church they also asked me if I would teach SS for the church. I was glad to. This pic is me and Roberto searching through the concordance to see the difference in Greek between the 2 uses of “refresh” in the book Philemon. What a great question!


    We are now spending time with more of Valeria´s family in Quito. It is so nice. They made me my favorite tonight…humitas. So good. I am eating so much here. Carrying the tank Eli helps me burn it all off.

    Eli is doing much better today. Still quite fussy and not eating much, but other than that he is improving a lot.

    JJ absolutely loves his cousins. And after these 2 weeks, I am sure that JJ knows more spanish than he does english. He is speaking espanol like crazy.

    We think we have a name picked out for the new baby. But I will have to tell you later.

  • 16.5 Kilograms… Eli!

    That was Eli’s weight yesterday at the hospital. I didn’t know what it converted to until I just now looked it up. Wow! That is over 36 lbs.

    I am hoping that something was wrong there. That is huge. I knew that he was getting heavy, but that is huge. That is more than JJ. That is so much that Momma cannot carry him anymore.  That is so much that Daddy gets really tired after holding Eli for a while. That is so much that he can already hurt JJ very badly… and he is beginning to realize it.

    I must tell this. While at the Camp in Patate, Ecuador, JJ and Eli would let out their energy by running around in the dining hall and playing with all the VBS supplies. Well JJ found a jump rope. He loved it. So Eli wanted it. Well, it took him a while but Eli finally grabbed a hold of one end of the rope. JJ had the other end.  Here is where it gets funny. JJ standing up pulling the rope with both hands struggled to pull the rope away from Eli sitting down holding onto the rope. They were playing tug-a-war. And Eli is so heavy that he won. It was funny.

    Now Eli is doing better. He is not great yet, but he is better. His diarrhea is not as bad today. He is drinking lots of Pedialyte. But his fever was still pretty bad today. However, the ibuprofen  takes care of it. But when it wears off the fever comes back. Please keep praying. I am so thankful I have a great wife that focuses on taking care of them both.

    Other than that, all is well here. The moon tonight was so full and beautiful.

  • mr. russell’s tombstone

    The day before I left for Ecuador, Ms. Linda and I went out to Mr. Russel’s grave. The tombstone was recently put in. It was beautiful.

    Here  is a picture of it. It has his and Linda’s birth dates on it, and it has their wedding date in the middle.

    There is a lot to miss about Mr. Russel.  I miss him a lot.  But one of the things I miss most is his faithfulness in prayer. I want to pray more and love Jesus more because of Mr. Russel.

  • ecuador update – sunday

    We are doing well. Please do not worry about us.

    However, please pray. Intentionally and faithfully pray for us.  Valeria is pregnant. I am tired. Valeria is tired too. Eli is sick. He is doing better, but we are still a little unsure. Please keep praying. And JJ is just like “what in the world is going on. Why is everything so different?”  We went to an awesome little church this morning which had a fantastic childrens program. JJ loved it.

    I am beginning to feel sick. I am hoping to go to bed very early and feel better when I wake. Please pray for that-

    I miss FBCF badly. This trip has caused encouraged me to want to be your pastor even more. When I return, I cant wait to tell all of you and show all of you how thankful I am to be your shepherd.

    The food down here is so good. They have coconut icecream that is amazing. However, I am craving some sweet tea.

    Finally, i think text messages and phone calls are very expensive. So please dont unless its urgent. But I would love to hear from you. Please e-mail. I am checking it everyday and would love to hear from you.

    Thanks so much. I am coming to Him weary and heavy-laden.

  • ecuador – june 2010

    We are having such a wonderful time here.

    This mountain is a volcano. It is right beside our camp and is active. All day everyday smoke and steam pours out of it. It is Mount Tungurahua.  The Bible says that Gods righteousness is like a mighty mountain.

    We are seeing that so clearly here.

    Please keep praying for us and I will give many more updates as soon as we can.  We need your prayers.

    Jesus is working so mightily here.

  • Who’s that behind ya?

    The other day while hurrying through Wal-Mart to pick up just a few things, I had an interesting moment. I was walking at a fast pace to the milk section which is always near the back. And I was walking so fast that JJ could not keep up. He was a good 10-20 feet behind me. I had to keep turning around to make sure he was still coming, and I repeatedly told him to “c’mon”.

    As we were going, a somewhat familiar face walked up toward me and said “who’s that behind ya?”

    I smiled, and proudly said, “thats my boy, JJ, my oldest son.”

    Here is why the moment was so special and instructive for me.

    JJ follows me. Its obvious. He wasn’t going to run off while I was trucking it through Wal-Mart. He had his eyes on me, and though he couldn’t walk as fast as I could, he was gonna make sure he was following me.

    The 12 disciples were like this with Jesus. They followed him. Very simply, they followed Him.

    After the were commissioned out, others followed them. Jesus and Paul exhibited this style of mentoring… following.

    Paul told the believers in Corinth “follow me as I follow Christ.”

    This gives us a visual image of Jesus going and there being people who followed him, watching his every move,longing to see what He is like and desiring to be like Him.

    Then we see this happening in the lives of the apostles too. Peter and Paul especially we see this in the book of Acts.

    So I am wondering, who is following me?  And who is following you? Honestly, are we passing the torch? Are we being followed by the next generation of those who will live and proclaim Christ?

    Is anyone asking of your faith and life… who’s that behind you?

  • William Carey

    William Carey is known as the “Father of Modern Missions”. He lived from 1761-1834.

    He did his work in India and is one of the greatest missionaries we have ever known.

    I have read several books about Carey. I am always so encouraged by the depth of his self-denial.

    Here are some quotes:

    “I wish people would let me die before they praise me.”

    “The less said about me the better.”

    “Mr. Duff, you have been speaking about Dr. Carey, Dr. Carey; when I am gone say nothing about Dr. Carey. Speak about Dr. Carey’s Savior.”

    “If I ever get to heaven, it must be owing to divine grace from first to last.”

    “Expect great things (from God). Attempt great things (for God).”

    “Father, only let us be faithful.”

    *All of these quotes come from Timothy George’s biography on Carey.

  • C.S. Lewis on humility

    One of the best books I have ever read is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

    I read it shortly after I graduated from High School.

    Click on this link to see a great excerpt from that book. Its about true humility.

  • our garden

    This is our garden.

    I love being out in it. I am back there working in it nearly every evening. It is so enjoyable.

    I keep saying… I know of nothing else that I do that sends me as many God-centered thoughts as gardening.  (check out Mark 4:26-29)

    It needs a lot of work, but its coming.

    This week we have eaten peppers out of it already. We have our first tomato growing. We have several cucumbers coming in already. And the squash are looking pretty good too.  A few days ago, I added 240 pounds of good black topsoil.  And then tonight I added 4 big bags of manure. As I said, it is coming along.

    Sunday we woke up to a deer in the back yard. Val yelled for me to look. I grabbed JJ and we watched it for a while.  God is showing us so much of his glory from our little back yard. We thank him for that.

  • fca team camp

    This week I am speaking at the FCA Middle School Team Camp. It is at Southeast Christian Church. FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

    All week I am teaching them that “In life we are to be like God, and the only way to do that is through Jesus.” (Ephesians 5)

    Day 1 = One way to be like God through Jesus is how we talk. Jesus said our words flow from our heart. In other words, a filthy mouth most likely reveals a filthy heart.

    Day 2 = Another way to be like God through Jesus is how we give. Jesus said it is better to give than to receive. And he praised the widow who only gave 2 copper coins instead of the rich who gave more because she gave sacrificially. Getters are often spoiled and self-centered. Givers aren’t. God is a giver. Are you more of a giver or more of a getter?

    Day 3 = Another way to be like God through Jesus is how hard we work. Jesus taught we are to work hard. Christians should not be lazy and the Bible has much to say about this. The best part is that we really cannot work hard enough to be saved. Only Jesus can save us, and only Jesus can make us work hard in a godly way.

    Day 4 = Another way to be like God through Jesus is selflessness. Jesus denied himself. The Bible teaches us to die to self. This is clear-if you want Jesus to get the attention then you won’t want yourself to get it. But if you want the attention, then you don’t want Jesus to get it.

    I’m glad to have this opportunity.

March 2025