This is Roberto and I in Sunday School the first Sunday we were on our mission trip.
Roberto is a hero of mine.
He is Ecuadorian. He has an awesome godly wife. He speaks fluent English and Spanish. He translated for me twice when I preached. He and his wife serve the Lord so faithfully out in the far places of Ecuador.
I had been scheduled to preach Sunday morning at a local church. I did and Roberto translated, and I think it went well. The interesting part was that on the way to church they also asked me if I would teach SS for the church. I was glad to. This pic is me and Roberto searching through the concordance to see the difference in Greek between the 2 uses of “refresh” in the book Philemon. What a great question!
We are now spending time with more of Valeria´s family in Quito. It is so nice. They made me my favorite tonight…humitas. So good. I am eating so much here. Carrying the tank Eli helps me burn it all off.
Eli is doing much better today. Still quite fussy and not eating much, but other than that he is improving a lot.
JJ absolutely loves his cousins. And after these 2 weeks, I am sure that JJ knows more spanish than he does english. He is speaking espanol like crazy.
We think we have a name picked out for the new baby. But I will have to tell you later.