Category: Uncategorized

  • sense of urgency

    Over the past week, I have enjoyed reading the quotes from various people in regards to the passing on Tuesday of New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner. I am always curious to see what people will say about someone after they die.

    My dad (like most growing up in the 50s and 60s) was a huge Yankees fan with the likes of Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle, Joe Dimaggio, and Yogi Berra. So, while I am not a Yankees fan, I was interested.

    There has been a range of statements made about Mr. Steinbrenner, but my favorite quote was
    “he had such a sense of urgency about him in all of life.”

    Growing up, I often recognized that my dad was a fast walker. One day I asked him why he walks so fast. He told me that at work he is walking and it is important to walk fast in order to be good at what he does. As a young boy, that didn’t mean much to me.

    However, last year while working at UPS, my boss asked me to walk out with him one day. It was a 25 minute walk from our office to the parking lot. I said sure and walked with him. I quickly noticed that he was walking a lot faster than I was. I had a hard time keeping up. But in my desire to be like my dad and be manly, I made myself walk fast enough so as to not let him think that he is a faster walker or more manly than I am. During this walk, I was reminded of the UPS management training manual that says that all UPS employees should operate with a “sense of urgency”.
    I was then reminded that my dad also walks fast. My dad works with a sense of urgency, and he is effective. My UPS bosses work with a sense of urgency, and they were effective. And they say that George Steinbrenner had a sense of urgency, and he was effective. I want to be effective, and therefore I need a sense of urgency.

    Jesus certainly had a sense of urgency. In John 9, he says “night is coming when no man can work”. Which means we need to take care of business now because the time is coming when we will not be able to.

    For the sake of the Gospel, I want to live with a sense of urgency. The time is now to give my life for the cause of Christ and His Church.
    Thank you Dad, UPS, and even Mr. George Steinbrenner for impressing this upon me.

    More so, thank you Jesus for teaching me this and impacting me with this.

    Its urgent!

  • the dad life

    I can relate to this song.

  • please read – “imitate me”

    This is one of the best articles I have read in a while. I want my life to be like this.
    Please click here to read this great article on true Biblical life impacting ministry.

  • new favorite song

    I first heard this song at the Together for the Gospel Conference a few months ago.

    We began singing it at our church last week. I look forward to singing it again this Sunday.

    It is titled “All I have is Christ.” Here are the lyrics. There is a video of the song below the lyrics. Listen closely and worship the King!

    I once was lost in darkest night
    Yet thought I knew the way
    The sin that promised joy and life
    Had led me to the grave
    I had no hope that You would own
    A rebel to Your will
    And if You had not loved me first
    I would refuse You still

    But as I ran my hell bound race
    Indifferent to the cost
    You looked upon my helpless state
    And led me to the cross
    And I beheld God’s love displayed
    You suffered in my place
    You bore the wrath reserved for me
    Now all I know is grace

    Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
    Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

    Now Lord I would be Yours alone
    And live so all might see
    The strength to follow Your commands
    Could never come from me
    Oh Father use my ransomed life
    In any way you choose
    And let my song forever be
    My only boast is You

    Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
    Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
    Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
    Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

  • Waving Flag

    This Sunday at 2pm is the final to the 2010 World Cup.

    While this is not the official theme song of the World Cup, this song has become the most popular and familiar song surrounding the gigantic soccer tournament.

    It is called “Waving Flag” by K’naan. The lyrics are included in the video.

    The great line in the song is “they will call me freedom just like a waving flag.” It reminds me of our National Anthem The Star Spangled Banner when it says
    “And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
    Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

  • psalm 23:6

    “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,”

    That is the beginning of the last verse of the well-known 23rd Psalm. It is an incredible statement. It is a loaded statement.

    I love it. It rings in my head daily. It is the epitome of an optimistic Christ-centered mindset.

    Do you believe it? Do you disagree with it?

    It is optimism and it is positive thinking. But it is not wrong headed and it is not prosperity. It is the attitude of newness of life. It is the blinders have been removed.  It is the attitude of walking by faith and not by sight. It is the the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. It is Jesus’ way.

    It is “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.”…Because of all he does for me. Continue reading Psalm 23.

    He makes me lie down. He leads me. He restores me. He leads me. You are with me. Your rod and staff comfort me. You prepare a table before me. You anoint me. My cup overflows.

    If you are a sheep and you know that your shepherd does and has done all of that for you, then Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.

    Jesus is the good Shepherd!

  • Fairdale, here we come… please pray

    OK, tomorrow morning we will wake up at 3am and arrive at the airport at 4 am and board the plane by 6am. We are set to arrive in Louisville at 6 pm. Boy, are we ready!

    It has been nice here, but I am so ready to say “Home, sweet home!”

    I still am not feeling well, and today was such a long day. (I cannot believe the way Ghana lost.) And tomorrow will be even harder with little sleep and waking the boys early. So, I am asking for all of you and our church to be specifically praying for us. Begin as early as you can. Pray that the airports would go smoothly and that the boys would not be much trouble.

    Pray for God to do a miracle and make me and Valeria’s three hours of sleep effect us like 8 hours of sleep.

    Thank you for the prayers, we need God’s grace and help tomorrow. He is our help and our hope (Psalm 146).

    This picture is of my new hat. I have searched all 2 weeks here for this hat and I finally found it today. They all said it makes me look even more like a tourist, but I didnt care. I really like it.

    God has been good to us here in Ecuador as He always is. It has been hard but sweet. Tonight both sides of Valeria’s family treated us so well. It was precioso!

    I have so so much more to write about, but will save it for a day when I am more rested. I will tell all about the trip, and what God is doing here. As for now, rest rest rest. I pray you will lift us up in prayer.

    I miss the church in Fairdale. If God gives me strength, I will be preaching so joyfully on Sunday morning. I cannot wait to be back with FBCF.

  • Ecuador update – Thursday

    Ecuador is such a great place. I am thankful to God and our church and our families that we have been able to be here these 2 weeks. It is so great that JJ and Eli are experiencing this awesome country.

    We have seen the Equator. We even straddled it…  One leg in the Northern Hemisphere and one leg in the Southern Hemisphere.

    We have seen  Mt. Cotopaxi, which is the highest (or 2nd highest depending on who you talk to) active Volcano in the world.

    We have seen a truly active Volcano, Mt. Tungurahua. It is pouring out smoke and steam all day everyday and you can see the lava and ash covering the mountain.

    We have seen a mighty rushing waterfall that would you leave you speechless. It was so loud and powerful. (check out Revelation chapter 1 in regards to this.)

    We have seen many of Valeria`s family. Her grandmother, her aunts and uncles, many cousins, and so on. It has been nice.

    We have had all kinds of new and different foods. We have not tried the Guinea Pig yet, although we hope to. It is a delicacy here. We have had some of the best juice and ice cream. I have a new love… coconut ice cream. I eat one or 2 a day. It only costs 25 cents.

    And we have met some of the greatest people in the world. Traveling the world is such a blessing. It opens your mind. It expands and shapes your worldview. This trip has changed me and I hope it is starting JJ and Eli off on the right path to being more like God in the way they know and interact and relate and connect and treat and judge (or dont judge) and love and understand the different peoples of the world. They arent like us, but thats ok. It doesnt mean they are wrong, it simply means they are different. We are normal to us. They are normal to themselves. To God we are all people.  And Jesus shed His blood to ransom them.

    In closing, I do not deserve the blessings of a trip like this. I am humbled. Thank you God. Have mercy on me.

  • ecuador update – wednesday

    I am so tired.

    I need Jesus as much now as I have ever realized.  I am so worn out. I am not sure why. But I am so tired and cranky.

    Today was awesome! We went to the Quito Museum of Science today. The boys loved it. Then we went to the mall and the boys got chicken nuggets and fries from Burger King. The had not had those in a while. Then tonight some of Valerias family took us to a very nice restaurant (Pim´s) which overlooks all of Quito. I had one of the best cheeseburgers that I have ever tasted.

    We only have 2 more days here. I really really miss some Sweet Tea.

    Here is a quote for you
    “Prosperity and worldly comfort are what all naturally desire; but losses and crosses are for better for us, if they lead us to Christ.”  -JC Ryle

  • updated tombstone pic

    Please scroll down just a bit to see an updated pic of Mr. Russells tombstone. I didnt realize it wasnt working the first time.  It was posted a few days ago.

March 2025