Author: Josh Greene

  • a new kind of king

    Tonight while reading to JJ before bed, I came across yet another awesome passage in the Jesus Storybook Bible. (If you do not own this children’s Bible yet, please make plans to go get one. It is so good for adults.)

    This passage is the last paragraph from the story of the three wise men coming from Matthew 2. It is speaking of baby Jesus.

    “But this child was a new kind of king. Though he was the Prince of Heaven, he had become poor. Though he was the Mighty God, he had become a helpless baby. This King hadn’t come to be the boss. He had come to be a servant.”

  • wise words from experience

    Rick Pitino (Head Coach of University of Louisville Men’s basketball team) recently made this wise statement:

    “…if you tell the truth your problems will become a part of the past. If you lie, they are a part of your future.”

    In a setting where forgiveness is real and practiced (like among the church), this comment is so true.

    You can read the whole article here.

  • an oxymoron

    Today I heard someone in passing speak of a ‘pessimistic deacon’.

    I found it humorous.  Christians should not be pessimistic. Deacons (humble servants in the church) should not be pessimistic. They should be humble servants.

    Let’s please take a moment to examine ourselves.

    Are you pessimistic? Are you pessimistic in words or attitude?

    Don’t Be!

  • forgetting the obvious

    At our church, we are committed to memorizing God’s Word. Each Wednesday night prayer meeting we pass out memory verse cards and the following week we take a few minutes to hear people quote them. It is very encouraging to hear folks committing truth to memory.

    This past week was 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

    All people are prone to forgetting the obvious at times. Like Tiger Woods not “having fun” playing golf. Like me hopping out of my car to run inside the house while my car is in reverse and rolling down the driveway.

    While we were quoting this verse, I stopped and asked the church if they were doing it. If they were building each other up. It got quiet quickly. It was as if we thought we were only to memorize the verse and not take it to heart so that we would be obedient and faithful.

    Lets not forget the obvious, especially when the obvious is living out this verse. Lets encourage and build one another up. And so prove to be a healthy church.

  • the harvest is plentiful…

    “the harvest is plentiful…” in our garden. It has been such a God-centered hobby for me this summer to take care of the garden. Here is what got out of it today. “God gives the increase.”

  • Tebow…letting the light shine

    Almost all Christians in America know and love Tim Tebow.

    His ability to love and represent Jesus faithfully in such a high profile position is awesome and inspiring. Now his new NFL teammates are starting to see it too. All-pro teammate Champ Bailey’s recent comments encourage me so much.

    Please click the link and take time to read. God is being glorified by the way others are seeing Tim Tebow live for Jesus. We thank God for this.

  • softball tournament 2nd round

    Last week was our opening game in our end of the season softball tournament.

    We had a good crowd supporting us, and we won. We were so excited.

    We play our 2nd round game tonight. It will be a tough one. They are a higher seed than us, but we are up for the challenge. We play tonight at 6:30 at Valley View.

  • group jump

    This is four of us jumping at the same time. From left. Josh Vincent, Anthony Nease, Seth Springs, and me. (my shorts flew up.)

  • back flip

    Here is me doing a back flip off the rock.