Author: Josh Greene

  • He is set in His ways!

    He has his ways!

    Have you ever heard anyone say that about someone? I have. Actually, people say that frequently. And when they say it, they are almost always referring to someone’s “ways” that are not admirable.

    In many households you can sometimes here the wife or children make that comment when referring to the father or grandfather of the family. And its humorous.

    But do you know that God has “His ways”?

    That’s right! The Bible says in Psalm 128 “How happy is everyone who walks in His ways!”

    You can be certain that God has His ways, and His ways are completely admirable. God’s ways are good and right! God’s ways are for us to know and follow. God’s ways are the way that we can live for Him and bring glory and honor to Him.

    In Proverbs 8:32 God says “Blessed are those who keep my ways.”

    Let me ask you 2 questions:

    1. Are you happy?
    2. Do you walk in God’s ways?


    God wants us to be happy, and that happiness can only be found in Him. It makes sense. The unhappy person is the person who is distant from God or running from God.

    Would you consider the fact that your walking in God’s ways and your happiness are linked?

    Often we are frustrated or discouraged by someone who is set in his ways. But with God this is not the case. God does not frustrate us or discourage us. Not at all. We frustrate and discourage ourselves. And why is that? Because we have abandoned God’s ways. His ways are right! His ways are good for us.

    Back during the summer while out of town for a wedding, we stayed in the home of this godly elderly couple. They were so sweet and serving. Above their kitchen sink hung a little plaque that said “If you are feeling distant from God, Guess who moved?”

    Remember Jesus’ words in John 10:27 “My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow me.”

    Let us ask ourselves what ways are we going? Whose ways are we following? And lets be blessed! Blessed are those who keep God’s ways.

  • he made her heart sing for joy

    Guys sure do have the ability to make girls’ hearts sing! Just the thought of that blissful moment can make you smile and laugh.

    Like when I surprise my wife with flowers and then a dinner date. And then we end the date with a nice walk downtown. I know that makes Valeria’s heart sing for joy.

    Or when a young son excels in school and gets good grades along with a nice report from his teacher. You know the mother rejoices in her heart over that proud moment.

    Or what about when a father is focused on quality time with his daughter. Like when I play on the floor with my daughter Carolina. And while laying on my back,  I lift her up on my feet and do “superman” with her so that she lights up smiling. That “kooing” sound she makes is her singing. I made her happy.

    There are many scenarios we can think of where a guy has caused a girl’s heart to sing for joy. This is one of life’s great thrills.

    But let me share one scenario with you that you may have never considered. A God-centered self-less others-focused scenario where a male caused a female’s heart to sing for joy = That is a man to a widow.

    This is the occasion we read about in Job 29. Job is recalling how his life was before the tragedies. And in verse 13 of chapter 29 Job says “I caused the widow’s heart to sing for joy.”

    Praise God! What a man! Most of us never even think of widows. If we do, we don’t do much for them. At best, we may write to them or visit them. But do we ever love on them so much that we cause their hearts to sing for joy?

    This verse struck me as so strong. Job is the real deal. He loves God and wants his life to be used to show God’s love. Job made people see God. Job made peoples’ lives better. Even widows, single, lonely and often forgotten widows, are singing for joy because of Job.

    I wanna live like that!

    Whose heart could use some rejoicing today? Why don’t you be the one to cause it to sing?

  • Ecuador Trip 2013 Video

    This year in Ecuador we were at Camp Chacauco again. We partnered with FBC Grandview. Here is the re-cap video.


  • “buts” that stick out

    As I was hard at work today in my office trying to catch up on many things that I missed while on a short-term mission trip last week, God kindly ran me into some important “buts.”

    I am in the process right now of preparing several upcoming sermons. As I was trekking through my Bible today, I noticed all these “buts” sticking out at me.

    The word “but” is a conjunction. Which means it connects two different phrases, thoughts or sentences. For instance, you say one thing and then you want to say another. You can connect, or conjunct, the two statements with the word “but.”

    The actual meaning of the word “but” is = on the contrary. I like that definition, especially seeing how God uses the word “but” so precisely.

    Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    1 Corinthians 15:20  But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead

    Ephesians 2:4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us

    Titus 3:4 But when the goodness and lovingkindness of God our savior appeared, he saved us

    Praise God for the work He does in overcoming the way things are. It may have been one way, but on the contrary God has made it another way. That is certainly the case with me and my life. And I am humbled by that.

    These are just four of the “buts” that stick out to me.

    If you know of any other, or if you run across any other in the word of God, I would love to have you share them with me.

  • Ecuador update 2013

    This year’s trip has been a blast. We have been working a lot. We have been on the road a lot.

    We spent our first few days touring the country. We were in awe of the beautiful snow-covered Mount Cotopaxi. We spent 3 hours on the side of the road due to our bus breaking down. We spent some time in the capitol city Quito.

    Then we spent Sunday worshiping with La Victoria Baptist Church in Ambato, Ecuador. I had the blessed opportunity to preach there. We spent some time bonding with the other group who is here from Grandview Baptist Church in Texas.

    We woke up Sunday morning to the loudest thing that I have ever experienced. Mount Tunghurua which is an active volcano erupted. It was wild. We saw smoke bellowing. We saw hot burning lava on the mountain. It is one of the neatest things I have ever experienced.


    Then Monday came and we have been busy working all day ever since. We worked each morning in the Quechua Indigenous community of Apatug. This was a special time serving the church there because this is where we were last year too. It is so high and so cold there, but we were so happy to serve the believers there. We spent 3 days cleaning up their property and doing some minor construction work. It was foggy, rainy, and cold, but we enjoyed working hard together.

    We did that each morning until lunch time. Then we traveled each day back into Ambato to work with La Victoria. We did VBS there. It was the first time ever that this church has had a VBS done at their church. WOW! What a blessing it was to do this. Both of our groups worked so well together. We had about 150 kids today, the final day. It was awesome!

    April and Ashley worked with kids in the craft station. Imagine trying to lead a craft with about 50 kids in the group and they do not speak English. We are proud of April and Ashley for the great work they did. Drew and Luke H. worked with the games. They had so much fun running around with all those kids. They were perfect for it. Jon and Luke and myself worked with the Bible story. I taught with a translator while Jon and Luke and others acted out the story. God really used our entire group this week.

    We ended the VBS today by inviting all of the parents inside the church, and then I shared the gospel to them and explained to the adults what we have been teaching the children all week. That being, that Jesus died to bring us to God.

    Now we are all finished. We are exhausted. It has been incredible! I am already looking forward to next year. I hope that many of you will consider to go with us.

    Tomorrow we will sight-see a little bit, and then worship in the evening with the church in Apatug. Then we are coming home Friday night.

    I thank God for a church who is committed to the Great Commission. And I thank God that I have had this great opportunity to go again.

  • 5 steps to falling into sin

    In preparation for this past week’s sermon from Luke 22 and Peter’s denying of Jesus, I was reading from J.C. Ryle’s “Expository Thoughts on the Gospels.” Here is a treasure I found. 5 steps to falling into sin.

    Ryle warns us to watch out and learn from these 5 steps we see in Peter’s life.

    Ryle begins with “The story of Peter’s fall teaches us, firstly, how small and gradual are the steps by which men may go down into great sins.” 

    1. The first step is proud self-confidence.
    2. The second step was indolent neglect of prayer
    3. The third step was vacillating indecision.
    4. The fourth step was mingling with bad company.
    5. The fifth and last step was the natural consequence of the preceding four.

    Ryle concludes:

    Let us beware of the beginnings of backsliding, however small. We never know what we may come to, if we once leave the king’s high-way. The professing Christian who begins to say of any sin or evil habit, “it is but a little one,” is in imminent danger.


  • “But I still have my sins.”

    One of my goals in being a father is to instill confidence in my children. I heard a successful man once say “My parents built so much confidence in me that I thought I could do anything.”

    Isn’t it such a blessing to think of parents doing everything they can to put their children in position to be as successful as possible? Isn’t it kind of a given that parents want what is best for their children?

    Well in many ways I am still learning and growing on how to do this most effectively, but one thing I am focused on is complimenting them and praising them. I want my children to know that I am watching. I want my children to feel that I care about what they are doing. I want my children to experience me celebrating their accomplishments with them. So in big things and small things, I let them know when I am proud of them.

    When JJ catches the ball with his hands. When Eli writes his name well. When Noah stays in bed without getting up. Or when JJ rides his bike well. Or when Eli learns to jump off something. Or when Noah climbs up the slide. All of these things are to be celebrated. And our children gain confidence and courage when they know we are proud of them. Some of the biggest smiles and “cheeses” I have ever seen as a parent, have been when I have jumped up cheering because I am so proud of their growth and success.

    Well, a while back, Eli and I were walking together. And I was telling him how proud I was of him. I had a list of things. He is doing great. His running and throwing and climbing and jumping are all improving. (Eli is only 3 yet he is as big as his 5 year old brother. So he often feels bad about not being as agile as JJ. ) Not only those things, but I was also praising Eli for how obedient he had been lately. He is indeed growing up and minding me and Valeria better. And we have recognized that. So as we were walking, I took the time and was intentional about telling him how proud I am of him. He turned and looked up at me and smiled that awesome-Eli-grin like only Eli can do. As if to say, it means the whole world to me to know you are proud of me. We kept walking.

    Then about 20 seconds later, Eli said something that stopped me. He said, “yeah Daddy, but I still have my sins.”

    My whole mind raced as I bounced through many thoughts, both good and bad: Bible Answer: “yes you do son, we all sin.” Prideful -Ignorant-Parent Answer: “No, you don’t son. You’re an angel.” Pointless-Unhealthy Answer: “Don’t say that son! Its alright. Don’t worry about  it.” Reality-Check-I-want-to-be-a-good-godly-parent-answer: “uhh, well.”

    Then as I gathered myself and was ready to handle this memorable-parenting-moment, I realized that Eli is right on target. I was reminded of 1 John 1:8 “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.” And John 8:7 “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” And Psalm 130:3 “If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” There is that balance to life. Eli is doing a lot of things well. But he also has some things he needs to improve on. And regardless of how good you get at many things, you best not neglect your sins.

    So here is how I responded to Eli: “You’re right Eli. You do still have your sins. But remember, we will never be finished sinning. And that is why we need Jesus. Remember, why did He die?”

     Eli replied: “He died for my sins.”

    I continued: “Thats right! We do still have our sins. But we trust in Jesus. He died for our sins. And He forgives us of our sins when we believe in Him. But remember, I am still proud of you. You are doing well in many areas.”

    Eli smiled again and shook his head in agreement.

    And while I am working hard to encourage, build up, and instill confidence in my children. They are doing well at teaching me the basic truths of life. “But I still have my sins.”


  • Easter Service Video 2013

    Here is a short video of our Easter Sunday morning.



  • “where the good way is”

    “Life is so hard” is a phrase that I have heard a lot lately.

    And I agree. It is. 

    It is so hard to be a teenager in the world today with all the peer pressures. More than ever before, there are so many unhappy teenagers.

    It is so hard to be a college student in the world today with all of the major decisions to make about what your future will look like. It is overwhelming.

    It is so hard to be a young adult in the world today with the high cost of living. Generally speaking, two working adults with a car payments and a house payment will really struggle to make ends meet. Financial issues may be the worst troubles of all.

    It is so hard to be a parent in the world today with all the busy-ness we live with. And with all the fears and distractions.

    For many people, it often seems like there is “no looking up.” Like there is no hope. Like we cannot actually succeed, do well, make a difference, or be effective. And if there really is some reason to be optimistic, then what is it?

    Hear these old words from God as He was speaking to his wayward, struggling people in the book of Jeremiah:

    “Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.’” -Jeremiah 6:16

    There is a way to live life right. There is a path that leads us in the right direction. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a reason to be hopeful. There is optimism. There are better days ahead. There is joy in the future. There is rest for our souls.

    Let us take time to LOOK and see where our lives are not right. And lets see God’s ways and walk in it.

    God’s way is where the good way is!

    The very last part of that verse above was intentionally left out. It says “But they said, ‘we will not walk in it.’” (Jer. 6:16)

    Oh the arrogance and ignorance to look and see the right thing to do, and yet still not do it.

  • “Farther along” lyrics

    Recently I was introduced to a new song that has really blessed me.

    Josh Garrels is the musician. He is new to me. You may want to check out his stuff. He gives away his music all the time. Check out his website to download some of his albums for free.

    I have not listened to much other than this one song, but it has really stuck to me.

    It is a re-make of the old hymn Farther Along. He uses the same chorus but has written his own lyrics.

    You can listen to the whole song here.

    Here is an excerpt from the song:

    “Still I get hard pressed on every side
    Between the rock and a compromise
    Like the truth and pack of lies fightin’ for my soul
    And I’ve got no place left go
    Cause I got changed by what I’ve been shown
    More glory than the world has known
    Keeps me ramblin’ on

    Skipping like a calf loosed from its stall
    I’m free to love once and for all
    And even when I fall I’ll get back up
    For the joy that overflows my cup
    Heaven filled me with more than enough
    Broke down my levee and my bluff
    Let the flood wash me

    And one day when the sky rolls back on us
    Some rejoice and the others fuss
    Cause every knee must bow and tongue confess
    That the son of god is forever blessed
    His is the kingdom, we’re the guests
    So put your voice up to the test
    Sing Lord, come soon”