What is that you do? We all do something? Many people have a very specific skill set or giftedness and they use it well. Like an athlete or a public speaker. But I am talking about something a little bit different. I am talking about whatever it is that you do. For instance, just recently…
Like many people, prioritizing comes as a challenge to me. Or maybe it is just laziness. I am not sure. Or maybe laziness is the reason I do not prioritize. Here is what I mean, I can go days or weeks without straightening, cleaning, or organizing the things that I need to. And then whenever…
If you like a good story, YOU WILL LOVE THIS ONE. This is a story of a young boy in Philadelphia whose mother is from Africa. He was picked on and beaten up. Yet he stood up for others. Click here to read it. It is written by Rick Reilly for ESPN.
Kevin DeYoung’s review of Rob Bell’s new book Love Wins came out yesterday. You can read it here. While many men and women have countless opinions on countless subjects, God has already spoken. God speaks for himself. His Word is true. And I believe that. I form my views, opinions, and beliefs based on what…
In Luke chapter 3 when Luke is giving us the genealogy of Jesus, we see something very interesting. Luke’s genealogy goes backward from Jesus all the way to Adam. At the very end, here is what Luke writes: “the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.” Luke…
Check this very helpful article out on doing family worship in your home.