For many parents, the decision on where to send your kids to school is one of the biggest and heaviest choices in all of the parenting years.
We have been consistent in encouraging parents to seek the Lord and do what they think is best for their child and their home. To be clear, this is a very complex situation and there often is no easy solution. Parents should not feel pressured into how they decide to school their children.
Every town is different. Every school is different. Every transportation situation is different. Every home is different. Every child is different. In 2024, it is often not “apples to apples” when comparing situations. Every setting and context is unique. For these reasons, we need the Lord’s wisdom and guidance when making this decision.
For many, homeschool has proven to be a good option. For many, private school has proven to be a good option. And for many, public school has proven to be a good option.
In this article, I am not suggesting what anyone SHOULD do about school. We know that there are many variables and factors in choosing an education path. And we are glad to see many parents and students happy & comfortable with their school involvement regardless of which type of school they have chosen.
With that being said, Here are 3 Reasons Why You COULD Send Your Kids To Public School:
If you have not heard of the numerous efforts going on in public schools, then I want to encourage you. God is doing so many things on so many campuses. Teacher Bible studies; Staff prayer meetings; Coaches Bible studies; Good News Clubs; First Priority meetings; FCA- Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Mentoring Programs; and so many others.
We know of teachers who pray for their students and classrooms on a regular basis.
We know of coaches who bring in community leaders to lead team devotionals.
We know of teachers who are leading other teachers to know the Lord.
We know of teachers who are leading extracurricular programs where they are mentoring students to grow in faith and leadership.
We know of many students who have come to know Jesus in a real way and then have been baptized in a local church because of some effort and relationship that happened in the public school setting.
While political discussions keep insisting “that they took prayer out of schools,” We are seeing prayer in classrooms and fields and locker rooms and cafeterias on a daily basis. There are many, many things to be said these days about public schools. One of the things we want to say is that it is clear that God is working there. - THERE ARE OTHER CHRISTIANS THERE
While my first point assumes this, I really want to emphasize it even further. There are lots of other Christians already in the public schools. If you were to decide to go to public school and make it known that you are follower of Jesus, I trust that you could find some other like-minded people there too.
– For many people, other school options are not really an option for them. For various reasons, they cannot homeschool and they cannot do private school. And so they send their kids to public school.
– For many Christians in the school there has not been any organization in their school to get involved with.
I know of a school that recently began a Christian organization in the school. This group was intended for students, but at the first meeting there were 8 teachers/administrators who attended to express their support and their faith. This was a clear sign to the 2 adult staff leaders that there were other Christians in their school who were eager to be involved in something of this sort. In fact, those 8 teachers did not even all know of the other Christians that were there.
– Also, there are many who intentionally work in the public schools so that they can be a blessing and light there. They are intentionally there because they want to make a difference. It has been my experience that nearly every public school has some Christians working in it, and they love to connect with other Christian students, parents, and teachers there.
– Yes, there are Christians in the public schools. There is a lot of support and encouragement and joy to be found by uniting with other Christians there. - BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIPS AWAIT THERE
I know that awesome friendships are made everywhere. This article has not said anything negative about other school settings. Again, there are lots of good options to choose from. We know happy people in all school settings.
This third and final point is simply a healthy reminder of all the beautiful friendships that await in schools. There are many, many kids entering school each new year, and each new day, longing to make a friend. There are playgrounds and clubs and teams and lunch-tables and after-school-activities that allow kids to connect and form friendships.
-In my life, I have been a part of about 50 weddings. And at most weddings when we are hearing about how the bride or groom met their bridesmaids and groomsmen, it so often goes back to a friendship formed from school. Friendships are made over bus rides and ball teams and group projects and so many other things. Yes, I know that those friendships can happen in any school setting. Of course they do, and we praise God for that. We are thankful for good friendships formed in any way. But my point is that there are many good and beautiful friendships formed and waiting to be formed in the public schools. As we emphasize often – the best way to have a friend is to be a friend – the public school provides the opportunity to form some good friendships. Beautiful friendships await there!
To wrap this article up, I want to say again that I do not know what is the best option for you and your children and your family. Nor do I want to attempt to tell you what to do. We know lots of families that love their homeschool group and education, and we rejoice in that. We know lots of families that love their private school and education, and we rejoice in that. I am not suggesting what you SHOULD do. This article seeks to share why you COULD possibly send your kids to public school. May the Lord in His goodness lead you as you navigate the parenting years and the education/school decision.
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