This year’s fair is the 87th Annual Community Fair! The theme this year is: HOME SWEET HOME! Fairdale is located in the South End of Louisville, KY, and while most of the city and state don’t even know about the Fairdale Fair for those of us who live here it is quite a big deal.
I hear that there are some local residents who aren’t big fans of the Fairdale Fair, but in my experience over the last 14 years the large majority of Fairdale truly enjoys this special weekend!
Here are 5 Reasons Why I Love the Fairdale Fair:
- PEOPLE – The Fairdale Fair brings so many people to Fairdale! I am not sure if they are Fairdale residents just coming out to take part or if some outsiders come to Fairdale for the fair – either way, this weekend Fairdale will be crowded! There will be more people in Fairdale this weekend than any other time of the year.
- PARTY – The Fairdale Fair is supposed to be a fair, but in actuality it is more like a party. In truthfulness, the Fairdale Fair is a big celebration! It is all of Fairdale coming together to celebrate our small town. It’s like a big party! A city-wide party with everyone included is pretty cool!
- PASSION – The Fairdale Fair is a big demonstration of how much people love their town. Fairdale people love Fairdale! Fairdale people are passionate about their town. I know that throughout the year this passion may come and go, but during the Annual Fairdale Fair weekend everyone shows their passion and love for Fairdale!
- PURPOSE – Each year when I am at the Fair, I am reminded of why God brought me here. Fairdale is a great place with a lot of great people. I am happy to live and work here. I am happy to have a purpose in Fairdale.
- POTENTIAL – This full weekend always reminds me of the great potential there is in Fairdale. Many businesses, schools, churches, organizations, groups, etc will all come out to contribute to making the Fair great. In this unity and common effort, it is easy to see that their is great potential. It is true – there is strength in numbers! The Fairdale Fair is a picture of all the potential numbers and strength for our town.
I am thankful the Fairdale Fair weekend is here. I look forward to the Parade at Noon on Saturday. And I look forward to taking my kids to ride the rides. Lord willing, it should be a fantastic weekend!
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