We cannot go back and make any changes.
Life is short. Life is precious. Life is heavy. And we must be ready.
Being ready means that we take time to consider the brevity, beauty and weight of life long before it is gone.
There are several things that need to be considered before we die.
Here are 3 questions to ask before your funeral (hopefully, way before your funeral):
-Will there be any young people at your funeral because you had invested in them?
-Will there be any older people at your funeral because you were so respectful to them?
-Will any of your co-workers attend your funeral?
-Will any of your neighbors come to your funeral?
-Will there be any diversity at your funeral? Anybody from a different race? Any international people?
-Who will be at your funeral? - WHAT WILL THEY SAY?
-Will people speak about your interests or your interest in them?
-Will people reminisce about the time they spent in your home?
-Will people speak about how kind and loving you were?
-Will people tell stories about that time you went out of your way to help them?
-Will people recall how you sacrificed your time and energy for their sake?
-Will people speak about the way your life impacted theirs?
-Will anyone speak about how your faith in Christ impacted them?
-Will anyone speak about how you faithfully prayed for them?
-Will anyone tell about how they came to know God through their relationship with you? - WILL THEY KNOW WHERE YOU WENT?
-Will people wonder whether you knew God or not?
-Will people question if you were religious?
-Will people be comforted knowing that you are in heaven?
-Will people fear that you are in hell?
-Will people be curious about whether you were a Christian or not?
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