our new church covenant

(adopted September 7, 2011)

“As a gathered church of believers in Jesus Christ in Fairdale, Kentucky, we covenant together in the bonds of love to walk as the family of God in the following ways.

1.   We will seek to follow after God privately and individually through trusting him, obeying him, praying to him, and learning about him from his word.

2.   We will seek by the Holy Spirit to maintain lives of holiness through drawing near to God, resisting the Devil, putting to death our sins, and living unto righteousness. We will personally watch over the souls of our fellow church members and urge them on to holiness and purity.

3.   We will seek to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ both personally and corporately. We will support efforts to extend the gospel in our community, our state, our country, and the world.

4.   We will seek to gather regularly to worship God, listen to the preaching of the word, and encourage one another.

5.   We will seek to support the ministries and mission of the church through praying for the church, exercising our spiritual gifts, and contributing financially to its needs.

6.   We will seek by the Holy Spirit to love one another sincerely while maintaining the unity and peace of the church. We will abstain from gossip, backbiting, and other sins that cause division within the church.

7.   We will strive to learn, support, and promote the church’s doctrine. We will also submit to the discipline of the church and its leadership.

8.   If we move from this place, we will seek, as soon as possible, to unite with some other church of like faith and practice where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant.”


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