3 things in your life that make you a conqueror!

Revelation 12:11

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.”

This passage from Revelation helps us understand the victory that we have over Satan, the devil.

Are these three things present in your life?

  1. The Blood of the Lamb
  2. The Word of Your Testimony
  3. Not Loving Your Life (even to the point of death)

When you first read those three points, it sounds like a sermon from Paul. But it is not. It is a vision God shows John of Satan running through the world furiously seeking to destroy anybody and everybody that he can. Those he is unable to destroy are those that CONQUER him. They did not conquer him with their own lives and strengths! They did it by those 3 points listed above. Glorious!

To God be all Glory!


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