It has been nice here, but I am so ready to say “Home, sweet home!”
I still am not feeling well, and today was such a long day. (I cannot believe the way Ghana lost.) And tomorrow will be even harder with little sleep and waking the boys early. So, I am asking for all of you and our church to be specifically praying for us. Begin as early as you can. Pray that the airports would go smoothly and that the boys would not be much trouble.
Pray for God to do a miracle and make me and Valeria’s three hours of sleep effect us like 8 hours of sleep.
Thank you for the prayers, we need God’s grace and help tomorrow. He is our help and our hope (Psalm 146).
This picture is of my new hat. I have searched all 2 weeks here for this hat and I finally found it today. They all said it makes me look even more like a tourist, but I didnt care. I really like it.
God has been good to us here in Ecuador as He always is. It has been hard but sweet. Tonight both sides of Valeria’s family treated us so well. It was precioso!
I have so so much more to write about, but will save it for a day when I am more rested. I will tell all about the trip, and what God is doing here. As for now, rest rest rest. I pray you will lift us up in prayer.
I miss the church in Fairdale. If God gives me strength, I will be preaching so joyfully on Sunday morning. I cannot wait to be back with FBCF.
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