This is our garden.
I love being out in it. I am back there working in it nearly every evening. It is so enjoyable.
I keep saying… I know of nothing else that I do that sends me as many God-centered thoughts as gardening. (check out Mark 4:26-29)
It needs a lot of work, but its coming.
This week we have eaten peppers out of it already. We have our first tomato growing. We have several cucumbers coming in already. And the squash are looking pretty good too. A few days ago, I added 240 pounds of good black topsoil. And then tonight I added 4 big bags of manure. As I said, it is coming along.
Sunday we woke up to a deer in the back yard. Val yelled for me to look. I grabbed JJ and we watched it for a while. God is showing us so much of his glory from our little back yard. We thank him for that.
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