This week I am speaking at the FCA Middle School Team Camp. It is at Southeast Christian Church. FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
All week I am teaching them that “In life we are to be like God, and the only way to do that is through Jesus.” (Ephesians 5)
Day 1 = One way to be like God through Jesus is how we talk. Jesus said our words flow from our heart. In other words, a filthy mouth most likely reveals a filthy heart.
Day 2 = Another way to be like God through Jesus is how we give. Jesus said it is better to give than to receive. And he praised the widow who only gave 2 copper coins instead of the rich who gave more because she gave sacrificially. Getters are often spoiled and self-centered. Givers aren’t. God is a giver. Are you more of a giver or more of a getter?
Day 3 = Another way to be like God through Jesus is how hard we work. Jesus taught we are to work hard. Christians should not be lazy and the Bible has much to say about this. The best part is that we really cannot work hard enough to be saved. Only Jesus can save us, and only Jesus can make us work hard in a godly way.
Day 4 = Another way to be like God through Jesus is selflessness. Jesus denied himself. The Bible teaches us to die to self. This is clear-if you want Jesus to get the attention then you won’t want yourself to get it. But if you want the attention, then you don’t want Jesus to get it.
I’m glad to have this opportunity.
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