our lives matter

In the evenings, I have been slowly reading Words to Winners of Souls by Horatius Bonar. Proverbs 11:30b (KJV) says “he that winneth souls is wise.”

Here is an excerpt: (he is addressing the minister’s life, but it certainly speaks to the life of every believer)

“Our position is such that we cannot remain neutral. Our life cannot be one of harmless obscurity. We must either repel or attract- save or ruin souls! How loud, then, the call how strong the motive, to spirituality of soul and circumspectness of life! How solemn the warning against worldly-mindedness and vanity, against levity and frivolity, against negligence, sloth and cold formality!
Of all men, a minister of Christ is especially called to walk with God. Everything depends on this; his own peace and joy, his own future reward at the coming of the Lord. But especially does God point to this as the true and sure way of securing the blessing. This is the grand secret of ministerial success. One who walks with God reflects the light of His countenance upon a benighted world; and the closer he walks, the more of this light does he reflect. One who walks with God carries in his very air and countenance a sweet serenity and holy joy that diffuses tranquility around. One who walks with God receives and imparts life whithersoever he goes; as it is written, out of him “shall flow rivers of living water” (john 7:38). He is not merely the world’s light but the world’s fountain, dispensing the water of life on every side and making the barren waste to blossom as the rose. He waters the world’s wilderness as he moves along his peaceful course. His life is blessed; his example is blessed; his intercourse is blessed; his words are blessed; his ministry is blessed! Souls are saved, sinners are converted, and many are turned from their iniquity.”

Oh Father God, make us like that!


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