Revelation 5 describes an amazing picture of everything (creation & the church) falling down and singing “a new song” to the slain worthy Lamb of God, namely Jesus.
Some people may read that text and wonder what “the song” was like. We have the lyrics in that text. They are all about Christ’s redeeming work for His people . But some may wonder about the style.
They shouldn’t. We shouldn’t.
Wednesday night while at a worship service, I heard Bob Kauflin (40 or 50 something year old gray headed man on a piano) lead a large congregation in worship singing some old hymns. The very next song (Kauflin didn’t even leave the stage or the piano), Shai Linne (20 something year old long haired man with a microphone in hand) comes up and leads the congregation in worship with two rap songs.
Both mens’ songs had the lyrics on the screens. Both mens songs were all about the redeeming work of Jesus.
Both mens’ songs did the exact same thing for me… lead me to worship Jesus.
I’m 30 years old, and I sincerely loved both. Either one is fine with me… its the subject not the style.
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