We just returned from spending a few days in Florida for a wedding. Monday was one of the best days of my life. Valeria and I took our two boys and introduced to them to one of God’s greatest pieces of creation…the ocean.
The boys absolutely loved it. It thrilled my soul so incredibly much to see them enjoying it so much. Eli loved the sand and the shells. JJ loved the water and the waves. They could not get enough of it.
JJ walked out into the water. A wave would hit him and he would fall over crying. I would pick him up and he would say “mas daddy, mas”. Then we would both be laughing so hard while JJ said “cold water, cold water”. It was very cold. So cold Eli wanted nothing to do with it.
It blessed me so much to see JJ so jubilant, so happy, so excited. Literally the world could not contain the overflow of joy and delight that was flowing out of him. I cannot explain what that moment meant to me as a father.
I was glad to teach JJ that we do not worship the creation. We only enjoy the creation that God has made. We truly worship the Creator!
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