Snow is awesome! Lately we have seen it so regularly. In two days, we have a chance of getting another large snowfall. (I sure hope we do.)
In the book of Job (37:6), his friend Elihu says, “God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend. For to the snow he says, ‘Fall on the earth…’”
A simple statement yet so profound. Our lives need to be about God. We were made for Him. We are to love Him above all things. We were created to worship, honor, and glorify Him. I am praying that God would produce God-centered people who possess the mind of Christ. I am praying that God would make men and women who think about God in all situations.
Even as the snow falls daily, and sometimes there is accumulation and sometimes there isn’t, Are you mindful that God told that snow to fall? Are you looking to Jesus as the one who is telling the snow where to land and stick?
Allow the snow to give you further understanding of how awesome your great God and Savior Jesus Christ is!
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