
Reading through Mark’s gospel, I was grabbed by Repentance.

“So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent.” -Mark 6:12

Now, I know that John the Baptist came preaching that people should “Repent.” (Mark 1:4) And I know that Jesus came preaching that all people should “Repent.” (Mark 1:15)

But now I see that the disciples went out preaching that too. (Mark 6:12)  When it came time for Jesus to send them out (Mark 6), that is what they went out doing. It says it plainly. And I identify myself as a disciple (follower) of Jesus.

So I figure that this is the message that we ought to be proclaiming. This is the message that our neighbors need to hear. This is the message our friends need to hear. This is the message our town needs to hear.  This is the message I need to hear… and you need to hear.  This is the message all folks everywhere need to hear. That they need to repent. And that is exactly what Paul told the Areopagus in Acts 17 “but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:30)

A couple questions…

When was the last time you heard your preacher tell people to repent? Or When was the last time you actually told someone that they should repent?

Our true desire is to be like Jesus. We want to be what He wants us to be.  Fairdale, lets keep repentance on our minds and in our hearts.  Repentance is turning from sin. Repentance is simply the reverse side of the two-sided coin in which the other side is Faith. Faith and repentance go hand in hand. To love Jesus and to hate sin is the same thing. Faith and Repentance. Paul, in Acts 20:21, preached to “both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.”


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