Fairdale Pastor’s Blog:

No Servant is Greater than his Master

balancing like-ability

Many Christians live in the continual struggle of desiring to be liked by others yet trying to not be a people pleaser.

Church people often say things like

“I dont care if anyone likes me.”  or “I dont care what people think about me.”

Yet they usually do not totally mean that. And most people really live like people’s opinions of them do really matter and influence them.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the balance of these 2 opinions.

Jesus says that we are to be loving and serving in a self-less way. Most of the time, if you are humble and loving and serving toward someone they are going to like you. That is why when the Bible lists the qualifications of elders it says “they are to be well thought of by outsiders.” Because they are to love and serve and lead in a selfless way.

Jesus also said that the world hated him so do not be surprised when it hates you. But He certainly never did anything wrong or treated anyone wrongly. So the only reason they hated him was because of His message.  Christians today should work toward that end. Live in such a way that people have nothing evil to say about you. In fact, the only thing they can say against you is that they disagree with your message. If people don’t like you, perhaps it has a lot more to do with you not being like Christ then it does solely your message.

To say that you dont care about what they think of you seems to say you don’t understand Christs calling on your life.

Here is where I’m getting some of this from.

Proverbs 3:3-4 (notice v.4 especially) “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.”

Prov. 3:4 says that we will find favor and good success in man’s sight. Check Luke 2:52, it says Jesus did that too.

I’m praying God will continue to give us the proper balance and understanding of what it means to live in such a way that God is pleased with us and people like us. I think it has lots to do with living like Jesus. Dead to self, loving and serving.



