Fairdale Pastor’s Blog:

No Servant is Greater than his Master

Month: November 2010

  • Christmas Candlelight Service

    On Sunday evening, December 19th at 6:00pm, our church will be having a Candlelight Christmas Service. This will be a delightfully warm service centered on the love and forgiveness of Jesus. We will sing Christmas songs, Read Christmas passages from the Bible, light candles, and soak in all that God has in store for us…

  • 3 steps to godliness

    Obviously, there are not 3 steps to make you godly. But the pursuit of holiness and godliness is something to be desired by every redeemed child of God. I am often asked by the younger disciples…’how to become more godly?’ While it is a long process… and we will never really get there this side…

  • what are you excited about it?

    D.A. Carson: “If I have learned anything in 35 or 40 years of teaching, it is that students don’t learn everything I teach them. What they learn is what I am excited about, the kinds of things I emphasize again and again and again and again. That had better be the gospel. If the gospel—even…

  • position in Christ, or not

    The Bible only tells of us two positions that people can be in spiritually: For God in Christ Not for God In our life experiences, this often is muddy or hard to distinguish. For we all know good people who are not committed to God, but they really seem to be good people. And we…

  • Sills on missions in Latin America

    Dr. David Sills writes a very timely article here about missions in Latin America. There is still a lot of urgent work to be done there. If you are interested in missions or care at all, please take time to read this. Here is an excerpt: “Rather than leave, our ministries should change. We must train…

  • make a difference

    I believe the Bible teaches that Christians can and should be difference-makers in their own little circles. I am not saying everyone should be a superstar, but I am saying that the focus and quality and intensity and sincerity that Christians should exhibit due to their indwelling Holy Spirit and high view of God, his…

  • c.s lewis on legalism

    This excerpt is full of wisdom. All of us ought to worry about our own flaws and fixing ourselves a little more and then worry about others a lot less. Click here for it.

  • School Of The Week: Fairdale – Video – WLKY Louisville

    School Of The Week: Fairdale – Video – WLKY Louisville. Over the last several years, our church has worked a lot with the local high school. One of the ways we do this is by feeding some of the sports teams pre-game meals. Well, this year we really have grown in our relationship with the…

  • whats in a name?

    I have been thinking some about names. Names mean something (or at least they should). Please click here to view our family blog and read a short post about our kids names and Whats in a name?

  • taking care of widows & shut-ins

    Recently our church has spent some days cleaning yards for some of our ladies. Several people have worked hard to rake and bag leaves. It has been some hard work, but all have enjoyed the time serving together. The Bible teaches us to be united and genuinely care for each other. This is one small…